What started in 1914 as a way to celebrate the graduation of McPherson County eighth graders, All Schools Day has grown into one of the largest annual celebrations in Kansas. Education has always been an important event in McPherson County, and a special day continues to be set aside each year to honor graduates from eighth grade, high school and college.
Click on the stories below to get a glimpse of our beginnings…
  • A Day in May

    Once upon a day in May I saw some children in their play I listened as they sang their [...]

  • History of May Fete

    The May Fete has been a part of “May Day” activities since the beginning. Some of the earliest May [...]

  • Olive Springs School

    Olive Springs School, District #2, was built in 1885 and is the oldest country school house on its original [...]

  • From 1981

    All Schools Day was started in 1914 as a way to celebrate the graduation of McPherson County eighth graders. [...]

  • From 1959

    revised from old files and available information (as written by Lu Achilles in 1959) The McPherson County All Schools Day [...]

Celebrating 100 Years